Sunday, August 3, 2008

Trojan tongji

Sudah lama trojan ini mulai mengganggu kinerja bandwidth di waroenk lokal area, yang mengakibatkan sejumlah PC terganggu browsing, chatting, dan lain-lain. Mulanya trojan ini muncul pada tanggal 28 Juni 2008 kemarin secara serentak. Efek trojan ini yaitu bila 1 PC klien terjangkit trojan ini maka ia akan menyamakan dirinya dengan mac address PC server.

Alhasil mac address menjadi 2, sehingga setiap kali PC lain ingin mengakses internet selalu mengarah ke PC yang terinfeksi trojan ini (menurut kami). Setelah beberapa kali search googling juga masih juga belom menemukan cara efektif untuk mencegahnya. Beberapa menyarankan install ulang (fresh install) dengan tidak menghubungkan dengan jaringan terlebih dahulu. Ada juga yang meng-upgrade ke SP3 dan memberi antivirus (NOD32 Bussiness Edition Version 3). Dan denger-denger trojan ini bisa menembus deepfreze (masa sih, hebat dunk).

Tapi kami tetap berkeyakinan bahwa asal PC itu bersih dan diberi deepfreze maka akan aman-aman saja. Sekarang tinggal mencari solusinya.

Setelah membaca definisi tentang trojan ini, kamipun mencoba untuk mengatasinya dengan cara berikut :

1. Mencari pusat PC yang terkena trojan ini, klik start -> run, cmd kemudian ketik : arp -a
2. Setelah diketahui PC mana yang terjangkiti trojan ini kemudian pisahkan, cabut kabel LAN dan masukkan ke ruang UGD
3. Lakukan fresh install (jika perlu) dan rubah mac address-nya secara permanen dengan :
klik start -> run, cmd kemudian ketik : arp -s (ip address server) (mac address server)
4. Bersihkan cache server anda, barangkali masih ada yang tersangkut disitu. Kemudian lakukan bloking terhadap host trojan tersebut (sepertinya harus terus di-update, karena trojan ini semakin banyak host-nya)

Semoga cara ini ampuh (kami harap). Terima kasih

Daftar mahasiswa teknisi dapodik kudus

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Sekilas tentang Mahasiswa Teknisi Jardiknas Kudus, Beasiswa teknisi jardiknas atau yang dikenal dengan d3 tkj telah berlangsung selama 2 tahun terakhir yaitu angkatan pertama pada tahun 2006 dan angkatan kedua tahun 2007. Mahasiswa Tkj ex karisidenan pati berkampus di STMIK AKI Pati. Masa perkuliahan berlangsung selama 2 tahun perkuliahan dan dalam waktu perkuliahan tersebut setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk magang dan ada pula perwakilan dari instansi sekolah masing-masing, masa perkuliahan berlangsung selama 2 minggu kuliah dan 2 minggu untuk kegiatan magang. Masa perkuliahan yang sangatlah singkat tak ayal membuat para mahasiswa kadang kesulitan untuk menerima materi yang tentu saja seperti materi mahasiswa reguler. Untuk angkatan ketiga tahun 2008 sepertinya ditiadakan dan diganti dengan d3 tkj konsorsium samoelec, dan sepertinya untuk angkatan ketiga akan diadakan pada tahun 2009. Untuk daftar mahasiswa tkj kudus angkatan 2006 dan 2007 dapat didonlot disini


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Waktu jalan2 di jogjafree ga sengaja ak buka2 di forumnya ada yang menarik di forum tersebut windows rasa linux.ya bagi-bagi buat yang pengen nyoba giman si rasanya.

Comot dari forum jogjafree
Winutuxu OS with Sp2 (Windows & Linux in One CD)

Updated : Upto june 2007
Included :
NotePad++-4.1.2: SumatraPDF-0.6

Bagi yang pengen unduh alias Download bisa di link dibawah ini :

Size - 699 MB

Credit goes to respective original uploaders.

Minimum System Requirements: 128 ram Or 64 MB 32 VGA, 2.99 GB Disk space.

Download Links:

FileFactory Links:


Rapidshare -


Mirrors -









The same version without pre installed programs. But has the themes, drivers & windows updates installed.

Lite version of same OS -
WinUtuxU OS lite
Size - 279 MB

Download UtuxU OS lite -


LinuxCBT IPv6

LinuxCBT IPv6 Edition focuses exclusively on the burgeoning Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). The coursework explores IPv6 implementation on today’s mainstream Network Operating Systems (NOSs), including: GNU/Linux, Solaris, Windows and Cisco IOS.

Given the imminent depletion of globally-unique 32-bit IPv4 addresses, and mandates set by the US Government with respect to IPv6-backbone-compliancy by Q2 2008 for government agencies, Information Technology (IT) Network/Systems Engineers/Administrators/Integrators/Directors/etc., are tasked with preparing their backbones and applicable infrastructure(VLANs/DMZs/etc.) to support Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).

LinuxCBT IPv6 Edition will prepare you and/or organization to comfortable integrate IPv6 into your production environments, without negatively impacting IPv4 services.

Recommended Prerequisites for:

*Any LinuxCBT OS Edition such as LinuxCBT feat. SUSE® 10 Enterprise Edition
* Open mind & determination to master Linux and related open-source applications
* Basic MS Windows skills
* Basic understanding of networking concepts
* Access to a PC to perform all of the installations and exercises

Course OBjectives

* Network - Visio Drawing - Topology Overview
* Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) & TCP/IPDOD Networking Models
* IPv4 Features & Limitations
* IPv6 Features
* Hexadecimal Conversions
* IPv6 Addressing - Colon Hexadecimal Notation
* IPv6 Header
* ICMPv6 - Header & Applications
* Dual Protocol (IPv4 & IPv6) Stacks
* Common IPv6 Prefixes/Subnets
* Link Local Prefixes and Addresses
* Intra Site Automatic Tunneling Protocol (ISATAP) Implementation
* IPv6 Intranet Routing Using 6-to-4 Globally-Unique Prefixes
* IPv6 over IPv4 - 6-to-4 Intranet/Internet Tunneling
* DNS Configuration with IPv6
* Static IPv6 Address Configuration
* Apache HTTPD & IIS IPv6 Configuration
* Secure Shell Version 2 (SSHv2) IPv6 Implementation
* Very Secure FTPD (VSFTPD) IPv6 Implemenation
* Network Mapper (NMap) IPv6 Implementation
* TCPDump Packet Capture Tool - IPv6 Implemenation
* Ethereal Packet Capture/Analysis Tool - IPv6 Implemenation
* IP6Tables - Linux Firewall for IPv6
* Cisco Access Control Lists for IPv6


Norton Antivirus 2008

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Portable Nero 8.0.3 Burning Room+Nero Express

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Nero 8, the newest version of world’s best selling multimedia suite, brings the digital world to your PC. Now it’s rasy to organize and manage all your multimedia files, as well as create and edit new digital content. Nero’s sleek design and user friendly tools make completing projects fun and enjoyable. Nero 8 is optimized for use with Windows Vista. With tools for mastering CDs and writing to erasable RWs, you get a capable WAV editor, an MPEG-1 video encoder, a CD cover designer, and a virus scanner. Nero Burning ROM is a strong choice, whether you’re an advanced user or just getting started with CD burning. With Nero Burning ROM 8, the world’s most powerful burning application, you can rip your non-copy-protected CDs and DVDs and burn data and audio files to CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, and HD DVD. With the integrated SecurDisc technology, you can create password-protected discs or a digital signature to ensure the authenticity of your documents.

Some Features of Nero Burning Room and Nero Express

· Redesigned to maximize ease-of-use, efficiency and speed LightScribe support
· Support for DVD-R Dual Layer format and DVD+R Double Layer
. Redesigned to maximize ease-of-use, efficiency and speed
· The integrated Nero Scout technology provides fast access to all media files including advanced keyword search options
· LightScribe support
· Support for DVD-R Dual Layer format and DVD+R Double Layer
· Verification for Audio CD, Video CD and Super Video CD
· Support for short lead-out recording
· Intelligent compilation size status bar
· Tree-view in data project
· Convert DVD files to play on your iPod or PSP and other portable devices

ADDED-September 19,2007

It was seen that on some XP’s because of anti-virus programs blockage,Nero couldn’t
integrate into the system and not worked. To solve the problem, I made some changes
and changed download links. Renewed links contain 2 files. The first file, “CLOSEYOURANTIVIRUS-RUNFORONCE.exe”, will be run for only once by closing your
antivirus program (Closing anti-virus program is only necessary for people had trouble
to run Nero on their XP). This will integrate Nero into your system by registering it and copying a few of Nero’s original integration files to System32. Then, you won’t need this
file unless you use Nero on a new XP or make a comprehensive Registry cleaning. The
second file is that you will use Nero normally.
People who have any doubt about closing their anti-virus program for a few seconds
can scan Windows>System32 after running “CLOSE…” file. You will see it’s completely clean.
This second Nero has three advantages according to first: Fast opening, ability to
change user’s settings permanently and less mb on disk.
Last Note : This portable was tested on XP’s,so I can’t promise anything for Vista.

Download :

Nero 8.0.3 Portable

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The Ultimate Solution for your Digital Life. Using Nero 8 Ultra Edition you can now create and edit, convert and share, rip and burn, backup and protect your digital media, all from one easy-to-use interface!

New and Improved Features
· New easy-to-use and intuitive NeroStartSmart
· One-click import and share to/from online communities
· Playback on AVCHD and Blu-ray (BD-AV) video
· Backup files to CDs, DVDs, HD DVDs and Blu-Ray discs
· Convert DVD files to play on your iPod or PSP and other portable devices
· Optimized for Windows Vista

Download :

Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Yellow Edition

The unique version of Office Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise is only available to equipment manufacturers and not to the general public. No necessity to enter serial number. Does not demand activation. Fully working. Preparation for installation borrows about five minutes.

Access 2007
Excel 2007
Groove 2007
InfoPath 2007
OneNote 2007
Outlook 2007
PowerPoint 2007
Publisher 2007
Word 2007

Download :